The year is 2033, and fiery eighteen-year-old Astra Newtown is ready to begin a new phase of her life. After witnessing her parents’ murder, trying to find some sense of normalcy, and then finding out her parents weren’t who they claimed to be, the past four years have been an emotional rollercoaster. If not for the old man who took Astra into his home, she might have met that same fate. With his help, she completed her studies and is about to report for duty as a Caretaker for the Interstellar Research Group.
The IRG is an elite group of aliens from all across the galaxy who have worked together for over two hundred thousand years to help worlds avoid imminent disaster. Their motto: When one world fails, the universe suffers.
Get your free copy of the first Mission: Tears of the Tree! and get to know Astra Newtown!