I have a question for you. Is humility a valuable character trait in today’s world? To answer that question, let’s first figure out what it means to be humble. For me, the most fundamental definition is not believing you are better than others. A person who is humble recognizes their limitations and doesn’t brag about their accomplishments. The opposite of humility is prideful, haughty, or arrogant. Some synonyms are modest, meek, unassuming, unpretentious. Not to get religious, but if you read the Bible, you know it is full of direction to be humble and not prideful.
So, I’ll ask again. Is being humble a worthy character trait in 2024?
For me, the answer is yes. But I also recognize it is getting harder and harder. Every single person who walks the Earth has some level of pridefulness and arrogance. No one is perfect. But sometimes society sees humility as a negative or a weakness. Society might be better off if there was more humility and less arrogance.
Today I’m going to look in the mirror and challenge myself to be a humbler person by doing the following.
- Listen, really listen to other’s points of view and be open-minded.
- Recognize that everyone has weaknesses (including me).
- Treat others with courtesy and respect.
- Consider the feelings of others before I speak.
- Show appreciation for others and their accomplishments.
- Don’t judge others because they differ from me. In fact, I will learn about them.
What about you? Will you join me in striving to make humility one of your character traits?
Choose to be a light!
I truly try to be humble, but sometimes it is mistaken for weakness. There are situations where I’ll speak up about something (new policies at work, someone being treated unfairly, threats to my health and welfare, etc.)