Do you love the holiday season, or does it stress you out? For most of us, the answer is probably both. When I’m out fighting the crowds or stuck in traffic, I remind myself to be grateful and to be kind to those I encounter on my journey (no matter how long the checkout line). Kindness is an important character trait for everyone that is reflected in a simple smile or act of consideration. No matter how small an act of kindness, it can have a domino effect on others. Let the person with only a few items at the grocery store go ahead of you and your full basket. Don’t speed up, but slow down when the car in the next lane turns on their blinker.
Kindness is also about being considerate. If you are having a big family gathering, ask your guests to be considerate of your neighbors and not park in front of their walkway or driveway. Simple things like saying thank you to the clerk at the store can go a long way in making them feel seen and appreciated. Sometimes politeness is sacrificed in the hustle and bustle of the season. Slow down and think about the people you encounter. A smile can make someone’s day.
Kindness is also about being empathetic and generous to those in need. There are lots of opportunities to give or volunteer at this time of the year. And think about those who serve us all year long: picking up our trash, mowing our lawns, delivering our mail and, of course, our military, police and firefighters who risk their own life to protect ours.
Find something that tugs on your heart this season and show some kindness.
Choose to be a light!