If you follow numerology, then you know already that 2025 is a 9 universal year (2+0+2+5). Year 9 represents the end of a cycle before beginning fresh next year. Our focus is on reflection and wrapping things up before we start a new cycle in 2026.
2025 is a year to purge or release things that no longer serve us. Don’t worry. If something or someone leaves your life this year, there is probably a good reason. The universe has a way of working things out. It is also a time to detox your life and get rid of any habits that hinder your progress. Sometimes you must let go of something to make room for new things. This is the year to do just that!
My personal number is also a 9, so I plan to spend the year reflecting and deciding where I want to be at the end of the year. Some things are obvious—lose ten pounds, cut back on sugar, and keep up my daily meditations (yes, that was a 2024 resolution I can check off). I’m also reflecting on my writing. Do I still want to write JJ Gilbert Mysteries or is it time to let that go and write something new?
If you want to learn more about numerology and your personal number, check out this article on Numerology.com.
Choose to be a light!