Happy New Year and Welcome to 2024.

If you follow numerology, then you know already that 2024 is a year 8 (2+0+2+4). Year 8 is about standing up and showing the world you belong and are worthy of success. It is time for us to capitalize on the efforts of the past seven years of lessons and experiences. It sounds great to me, especially since my personal number is also 8. If you want to learn more about numerology and your personal number, check out this article on Numerology.com.

As I prepared for the new year, I sat down and thought about my goals and the type of new year’s resolution I wanted. My first step was to look at last year’s plan and, like many people, my lack of success disappointed me. I planned to lose 10 pounds in 2023, but I gained 5. I can share lots of excuses, but the bottom line is I didn’t eat healthy or exercise enough. On a positive note, I planned to publish a new JJ Gilbert Mystery, and I ended up publishing two. So, I choose to celebrate my successes and learn from my failures and look for ways to be better.

If I’m honest, I’m scared of 2024. It is an election year in the United States and the political environment is so toxic and hateful that I want to crawl into a hole and hide for twelve months. At times, I find it hard to get motivated to do anything. So, I’ve decided my focus for this year must be on self-care.

  • Eat healthy and exercise! (especially since now I need to lose 15 pounds)
  • Read, learn, develop new skills!
  • Spend time daily meditating, praying, and updating my gratitude journal.
  • Enjoy hobbies like making puzzles and taking photographs of nature.
  • Write stories that inspire the kind of character I strive to have.
  • Help others.
  • Listen to and accept those who are different from me (just as I hope they will accept me).

I know it is all pretty touchy feely without hard measurements, but as I embark on 2024 and look at all that is going on in the world, I can’t bring myself to set a goal of losing a specific number of pounds. I want something that rises to the time in which we live. For me, that means getting back to the basics: being kind, considerate, empathetic, respectful, truthful, and humble.

This is who I want to be, who I want to be around, and who I want to represent my needs in the government.

As you choose your path for 2024, my hope is that you will follow me as a light in a year that is likely going to be filled with too much darkness.


Choose to be a light!

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