Signs from the other side!

Do you receive signs from the other side? Things that remind you of a loved one who has passed away that are totally out of place. Maybe you have received a text message, but when you try to respond, the number is invalid. A light flickers for no reason, or the TV turns on without you touching the remote.

Once I woke up in the middle of the night and the chain hanging down from my ceiling fan was rotating in a perfect circle. I just stared at it, wondering how that could happen, but there was no explanation. Well, other than a spirit had done it. I watched it for a minute or two, told whoever was visiting that they were freaking me out, and got up and stopped it. The next day I tried several ways to get the chain to go in a perfect circle like that, but I couldn’t.

Even though I write paranormal fiction, I do a lot of research. I recently read a fascinating book about getting signs from the other side. In it, the author, Laura Lynne Jackson, makes the case that you don’t need to be a medium to communicate with those who have passed. (Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe by Laura Lynne Jackson)

The book is full of powerful stories of people who have connected with their loved ones. It also provides advice on how you can receive your own signs.

I tried it myself. Years ago, a medium told me my father was leaving me pennies. It was true. Everywhere I went I found pennies. On one difficult day when I was heading to work, I asked him for a penny. I found one sitting on a window seal, another on a table, and several on the floor. As a believer, I knew it was a message of support from my father. I recently told my father that with inflation, I needed a raise and asked him to start leaving me dimes. A few days later, when I was leaving the grocery store, I looked to my left (for no particular reason) and there was a dime just next to the wall.

If you are wondering about strange things that are happening or want to learn to communicate with the other side, get a copy of Laura Lynne Jackson’s book. You just might find out there is a little psychic in you, too.


Choose to be a light!

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